created by jaime Rguez, 2011
El término sound-videoArt pretende dar un nuevo concepto a las obras digitalizadas en las que se combina la creatividad sonora-musical y la imagen en video generando una simbiosis que se muestra como un lienzo audiovisual en movimiento.
The term sound-videoArt pretends to give a new concept to the digitalized works in which sonorous-musical creativity and image in video are combined to generate a symbiosis that is shown as an audiovisual canvas in movement.
01- Mónica Ezquerra - ku mu [la locura de Bashô], 2014
DVD PAL 16:9 | 3:19 | from Leon, Spain.
website >
Música: Eliane Radigue - Geelriandre (1972, grabación original, fragmento).
Desde los conceptos ku [vacuidad] y mu [nada] la poesía de Bashô alcanza su profundo nihilismo, pleno y radical. "En el mundo, pero fuera del mundo; como las nubes que el viento arrastra" La locura de Bashô: ni tiempo - ni espacio. La base es vacía, es vacío. Llegar a la forma sin forma.
From both concepts ku [vacuity] and mu [nothing] Bashô's poetry reaches its deep nihilism, full and radical. "Into the world, but out of the world: as clowds carried away by the win" Bashô's madness: no time - no space. Base is empty, is vacuity Become form without form in Nishida's.
02- Trans Atlantic Rage/Balogh - Adjustment Is Key To Survival, 2013
DVD PAL 16:9 | 14:27 | from Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Sound Artist: Trans Atlantic Rage/Balogh (U.S.A.)
Video Artist: Jared C. Balogh (U.S.A.)
I filmed my friends hardcore metal band "Society's Blood" live performance in the Summer of 2011 at the St. Bernard's Club in Bethlehem, PA U.S.A.. At the time I was creating a video album for my audio project Trans Atlantic Rage/Balogh album "i::::soul::::ate" Vol. 2 that was eventual released on the Sweden net label Blek Bleek. The video title "Adjustment Is Key To Survival" is the name of the song also. The video process only took a short amount of time (less then an hour) but it seemed to fit very well. I liked knowing the film was of a hardcore metal band but the music I added was melodic dark ambient.
Link to Video Artist:
Link To Audio Artist:
03- Jean-Michel Rolland - SON ET LUMIERE, 2013
DVD PAL 16:9 | 04:18 | from Epinay sur Orge, France.
Audiovisual experimentation on the sound and light generated by an arc welding station.
04- Angelo Secondini - My Life In Suspension, 2013
DVD PAL 4:3 | 02:24 | from Ostra, Italy.
A small reflection on the passage of time, life suspended between a beginning and an end. Editing and music by Angelo Secondini (Cometa).
website: angelo secondini [cometa]
DVD PAL 16:9 | 05:31 | from Cagliari, Italy.
"...structural failure..."
Audiovisual experimentation on the sound and light generated by an arc welding station.
DEISON & MINGLE From Everything Collapse[d] CD/VINYL/DLAagoo / Rev. Lab. April 29, 2014. Deison: Electronics, Processing Andrea & Gastaldello: Piano, Electronics
06- Roland Quelven - P O L A R O I D S, 2014
DVD PAL 16:9 H264 | 05:40 | from Finistère, France.
"Collage with sounds from the Souncities databank."
Footage from free Prelinger Archives Materials recorded by Isabel Pérez del Pulgar & Roland Quelven.
Moving polaroids as a non narrative “accumulation-collection” of informations held in collective memories.
website > & rolandquelven/videos
07- Wilhelm Mathies & Isabel Pérez del Pulgar - DAILY ACTION, 2014 - DVD PAL 16:9 QT H.264 mov | 09:38 | from Kenosha, USA & Granada, Spain.
Metáfora poética de acciones cotidianas, las cuales reflejan la cultura, la nacionalidad, los hábitos, la personalidad, el gusto, la sofisticación de la persona. Pequeños actos que condicionan y marcan el ritmo de la vida, día a día......poniendo una invisible banda sonora
Sonido: Wilhelm Mathies “Opening” (Mathies)
website > la dama roja
08- Sylphides - Sensitive, 2013
DVD PAL 4:3 | 04:49 | from Ath, Belgium.
sound & video created by Sylphides (Pat & Lo)
This work has been created for a live performance of Sylphides, with projection based on synchronisation between images and sounds. Presented at the festival city sonics in Belgium.
website > & Sylphides
09- Shiri Malckin מלכין שירי & Pinina Podesta - I am sorry, 2014
DVD PAL 16:9 | 06:24 | from Tel Aviv, Israel & Catania, Italy.
The Section of the piece is based on a reflection of the past and projecting our lives in the present Demonstration against the war, statement against violence religion, race, nationality. Those words resonate today as a reminder significant in our lives today We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each other’s happiness - not by each other’s misery. We don’t want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone. And the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way Greed has poisoned men’s souls, has barricaded the world with hate, has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical. Our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery we need humanity. More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost. (Shiri Malckin)
Avevo scattato una foto di un vecchio telefono appeso al muro e casualmente ho sentito la musica di Shiri, la voce di Charlie Chaplin mi ha toccato profondamente. Ho cercato di interpretare quelle parole . Però ho creduto fondamentale che l'arte poteva aiutare tutto questo, il fluido dell'arte che si muove in mezzo all'inferno (Pinina Podesta).
website > Shiri Malckin מלכין שירי
website > Pinina Podesta
10- Bogdan Dullsky - Freedom Reflex | As Ever, 2014
DVD PAL 16:9 | 10:57 | from Transnistria, Russia.
When it comes to improvisation, this is what I do… The first things to consider are the given circumstances. It’s a bit like an actor trying to relive something with his heart, albeit inside the limits of the stage. He tries both to relive his character’s experience and to allow it ‘through’ him. In the same way - in those same circumstances of an amorphous room - you’ve got to hunt down the main thing. It’s what people sometimes call ‘liberty.’ The driving force behind this project was something similar; we were looking both for stimuli and for reactions to them. If you spend most of your time with a musical instrument in your hands, then a musical syntax, a harmony-based view of the world in all its depth and spatial modes will come together. What I mean is… there’s no need for [desperately-sought] originality… Originality is something you simply cannot avoid!”
Participated: Viacheslav Mikhaylovsky - Russian, living in Transnistria Artem Pustovit- Ukrainian, living in Transnistria
website > Bogdan Dullsky
11- The wishing machine & Dorianne Wotton - Somesthetic, 2014
DVD PAL 16:9 | 04:00 | from Paris, France.
This is a collaboration between the brilliant duo The Wishing Machine and Dorianne Wotton. An audio and video research about digital and perception by touch. So, take a digital bath, dive into those electro waves.
Immobile in grace | Impression of touch | Lost in a somesthetic state | In the maze of tactile illusions | Heat straight to my cortex | All sensors alert | A sound transmission | That floods from the inside
“ceci est une introduction à la sonosomesthésie”
Music by The wishing machine
Vidéo by Dorianne Wotton
12- Muriel Zanardi - Walk on wall, 2013
DVD PAL 16:9 | 21:39 | from Liège, Belgium.
Video & sound : Muriel Zanardi
Le texte découvert par lui-même.
(Text : the beginning of "Le Surmâle" by Alfred Jarry)
Le Surmâle est, comme l'a dit lui-même Alfred Jarry, un roman « moderne », composé en 1902 et dont le sujet est l'amour. Mêlant provocations en tout genre, grotesque et sous-entendus un peu osés, Jarry fait une sévère diatribe de la conception suivant laquelle l'amour n'est qu'une mécanique[réf. nécessaire]. Ce livre n'est pas considéré comme une pièce maîtresse de Jarry, a contrario des Ubu ou autres Docteur Faustroll, mais par son écriture caractéristique, témoigne bien de l'atmosphère particulière et de l'humour du dramaturge. Notons que c'est le dernier roman de l'auteur.
Le Surmâle
> Muriel Zanardi
13- Nick Z-Gibarian & Timo Vuorensola - Iron Sky teaser, Nick Z-Gibarian remix, 2012
DVD PAL 16:9 | 02:16 | from Neumayer, Antarctica & Helsinki/Tampere, Finland.
x-tra minimal soundtrack, real moon sound, low gravitation... soundtrack was recorded on analog equipment, the hand-made synthesizer "Mini-Mule" was used. the original raw materials were given to me by Energia Productions.
NICK Z-GIBARIAN > mule cartoon |
video: Energia Productions | Timo Vuorensola director
14- M.NOMIZED - Waves, 2014
DVD PAL 4:3 | 04:59 | from Melun, France.
Music composed and played by M.Nomized.
Video by Toxic Daddy.
Recorded at Fraction Studio. All rights reserved. P.2014 FRACTION STUDIO
M.Nomized reprends ici ses travaux sur les boucles évolutives avec un orgue pour la musique et un synthetiseur pour la transformation du son. Toxic Daddy filme en plan fixe le bord de mer en ne laissant que l'essentiel : une ligne d'horizon et les vagues purificatrices.
15- Simone D'Annunzio & César Naves - Simone D'Annunzio, 2014
DVD PAL 16:9 | 03:53 | from Bolonia, Italy & Asturias, Spain .
En el ruido podemos encontrar disonancias y distorsiones, de igual forma podemos encontrar estas en el carácter humano, y es lo que hace que se acabe la armonía, que gran parte de la energía se utilice más en la destrucción que en la construcción.
In noise we find dissonance and distortion, just as we can find these in the human character, and that's what makes the harmony ends, much of the energy is used in more destruction than construction..
Music by Simone D'Annunzio
Vidéo by César Naves
16- vÄäristymä (Janne Liimatainen & Jarko Hedenius) - Samaan aikaan, 2014
DVD PAL 4:3 | 01:10 | from Helsinki, Finland.
The strobe lights bring in a sense of rush to this sedate, hypnotic and minimalistic piece of music.
If it is the light or the spectator that is burned out in this test, you decide. The duration is short anyway.
“Samaan aikaan (At the same time)”
website > vÄäristymä
17- Shiri Malckin מלכין שירי & Istvan Horkay - Mother, 2014
DVD PAL 16:9 | 04:53 | from Tel Aviv, Israel & Budapest, Hungary.
IIstvan Horkay after graduating from the School of Fine Arts in Budapest in 1964, Horkay was invited to attend the Academy of Fine Arts inCracow -Poland, the Major Art and Cultural Center of Eastern Europe, where he received his Master of Fine Arts.He continued his Studies at he Royal Academy of Art in Copenhagen, Denmark. (1968) and did additional Post graduate work atthe Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest.
started recording piano improvisations 3 years ago. So I began my music creation. The initial idea was just to have recordings of my own material. I became interested in combining the piano sound with Ki-board recording and working the computer to create more complex soundscapes, also utilizing field and spoken-word recordings" Shiri Malckin
Video Istvan Horkay Music Composed by Shiri Malckin Voice and story by Nina Maroccolo
Istvan Horkay
Shiri Malckin מלכין שירי
soundcloud | bondcamp
18- Lars Buchardt - The Future Does Not Need Us, 2011
DVD PAL 4:3 | 09:14 | from Copenhagen, Denmark.
THE PRESENT, AT THE VERY MOST? To project the present into the future? It is a question whether this is at all possible, for who can perceive the present? The present, or this very moment, is not one point, but many. Connecting the points is not an option, as an objective place from which everything can be seen does not exist, and it would take time, and even the time passed will cause the points always and already to be blown far back and away from each other, and in a number that means check mate to all powers of imagination and computation. One could suppose that what is projected is in fact the past, a certain ‘past’, mind you, that which enjoys historical consensus in a certain milieu, and in a certain place, a certain time, the idiosyncratic past, the apocryphal past, the insane one. Something, without any doubt, that is shattered and distorted and awash with fantasies, wishful thinking, and fear. Bearing this in mind, it is hardly necessary to contend that science fiction, futurology, and prophecies allways and at the very most enlightens the future with a light that is tainted by fantasies about the past and the present; it is not the future that is presented. We therefore face a strange, undulating mirror, awash with dark places and irregularities reeling in and out of focus. The sound can best be described as a collage – in accordance with the image sequences which are made from collages. The sounds and the images are closely knit together.
webSite >
19- Alexander Cimini & Con.Tatto ( Francesca Leoni & Davide Mastrangelo) - W(t)OMB, 2014
DVD PAL 16:9 | 05:17 | from Forlì, Italy.
In a world that is destroid an abandoned church, Symbol of a society and a religion that was not able to give answers, a new life is rebirthing. Humans or maybe phantoms are come up from a tomb that becomes womb. The new birth comes from the water, from the color white, signs of a purity and a page that yet has to be written.
Alexander Cimin > soundcloud
Con.Tatto > website
20- Zoy Winterstein & Silke Kuhar ZIL - SILVER LIGHT, 2013
DVD PAL 16:9 | 09:18 | from Nürnberg, Germany.
SILVER LIGHT is about infinity shown in an abstract way. Smooth, formal, abstract shapes are combined with pictures from the nature which are cut to the track SILVER LIGHT which is part of the EP VISIONS. The torus symbolizes the infinite power of infinite creations. The video is made with a special multi-layer technique.
Zoy Winterstein > website
Silke Kuhar ZIL > website
21- Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt & Safin Marquardt - Antlitz, 2014
DVD PAL 9:16 | 08:33 | from Berlin, Germany.
Antlitz (moreblackthengod)
Video: safin
Music: Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt (moreblackthengod) - Chicago , Berlin.
Accidental guitar.
The night sends signals to the mind, walking on water, swimming in air.
Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt > vimeo
22- LWO - Facing Beaubourg contemporary art center, 2013
DVD PAL 4:3 | 06:57 | from Paris, France.
The "graff video" is a new form of video art. The camera is handled as a spray paint can with light as pictorial material. Depending on the movements that you do with the video camera, you get different results. The camera can be agitated with very quick movements to obtain continuous luminous traces, or it may be jiggled in fits and starts to obtain matter effects or light ambiances. You can also use the zoom movement on a bright fixed spot, or you can face to illuminated sources in motion. The term "graff video" describes both the practice and the result produced by this practice. I have created this "graff video" on the facade of Beaubourg with the music I have composed in my ears. This is an interaction between music, video, and gestual movement with the video camera
23- Mind Revolution - El beso, 2014
DVD PAL 4:3 | 03:07 | from Oviedo, Spain.
Sound and visuals by Mind Revolution
Performer, Tamara Norniella
Mind Revolution
24- Jacob Kirkegaard & Salvatore Insana - Dove era che non ero, 2014
DVD PAL 16:9 | 05:34 | from Denmark & Italy.
We are not there, we do not find ourselves, almost lost, almost suspended. Alert, ready to shoot, the danger is out of range and has no signals. Going toward the light to take dangerous risks. Restless tremor of face the horizon keeping our eyes wide open. Assuming or presaging the abyss, in a further condition in which we play the “non-adherence” to the present time.
DOVE ERA CHE NON ERO - WHERE IT WAS THAT I WAS NOT concept SALVATORE INSANA, ELISA TURCO LIVERI with ELISA TURCO LIVERI film, editing, photography SALVATORE INSANA sound from "Gymnasium" by JACOB KIRKEGAARD (borrowed from his album 4 ROOMS, Touch 2006 ©)
Jacob Kirkegaard
Salvatore Insana
25- Tania Giannouli / Paulo Chagas & Guillaume Baychelier - In the deepest night, 2012
DVD PAL 16:9 | 05:24 | from Atenas. Greece / Peniche, Portugal & Cognac, France.
"In The Deepest Night" is the title of the seventh of total eight tracks from the album "Forest Stories" by Tania Giannouli (piano) & Paulo Chagas (winds), released by Rattle label in New Zealand. Guillaume Baychelier made a video for this track. More about "Forest Stories"
Tania Giannouli
Paulo Chagas
Guillaume Baychelier
26- IDTAL / OTHER MATTER - thatsitt4theother1, 2014
DVD PAL 4:3 | 06:59 | from Arcata, U.S.A.
Music by IDTAL (USA) & OTher Matter from Paris, France.
Visuals by IDTAL
The ideal for the video came out of a colab. created with OTHER MATER and IDTAL. I heard some work by Other Mater and real;y liked sounded like Jerry Garcia From the Greatful Dead, So I contacted them and asked if they would help me to make a version of Thats it For the Other One , The first track from the Grateful Dead's second album. [ IDTAL ]
27- ReVerse Bullets - Drapetomania!, 2012
DVD PAL 4:3 | 33:42 | from NY, USA & Berlin, Germany.
ReVerse Bullets' debut EP/DVD and performance, "Drapetomania!" is an interweaving audiovisual suite of seven video-songs representative of modern institutions used to control the illusion of existence - technology and paranoia in "(Intro)Version," pharmaceutical drugs and fast food in "Drugs R Like That," pornography and media created sex symbols in "(Per)Version," and nationalist expansionism in "Pale Castle." Individually, the video-songs are compelling short-form video essays disguised as music videos; though, as a whole, they illustrate the frustration and dissonance of finding a peaceful existence in a manipulated society of illusions. The ReVerse Bullets aesthetic is that through subversion and noise, questions and demands, evolution leaps forward.
Twisted samples of capitalist, western & religious propaganda collide with the band's electronic cum noise funk and dialectic imagery to create a sensory experience that is part multimedia essay, improvisational electronica, performance art and rock concert.
ReVerse Bullets
28- Ostacoli Sonori (Marco Marongiu) - Another Day By The Sea, 2014
DVD PAL 16:9 | 08:00 | from Cuneo, Italy.
Video e Musica: Ostacoli Sonori
Liberamente ispirato ad un racconto di Ivan Rosso
Liberamente ispirato ad un racconto di Ivan Rosso, "Another Day At the Sea" (inedito) da cui sono tratte le parti testuali. Viaggio distopico nell´implosione e nel disfacimento della realtà oggettiva e soggettiva. La realtà come costruzione sociale in perenne mutamento.
ostacolisonori videos
29- Mare di Dirac & Daniele Delogu - "Thecomposition", 2014
DVD PAL 16:9 | 05:33 | from Saluzzo & Verona, Italy.
"Mare Di Dirac are an Italian collective who create lo-fi, morbid, and sometimes ritual based sound that mix together elements field recordings, natural reverb, human voices, subtle electronics, and selection of instrumental / percussion matter taking in: old church organ, didgeridoo, Tibetan bells, marine trumpet, rain drum & other elements. Their sound falls somewhere between crude ritual ambience, murky grim drone matter, and dark ‘n’ dank sound art." (Musique Machine Web Zine)
As a part of the band I decided to contribute with this videoclip. The audio come from our new cd "Tupilak". The tupilak in the inuit folklore it's a creature created by a shaman. It's like a golem or the modern Frankenstein's monster. The tupilak is made by different parts of human body and animals and it's animated by an evil spirit. Tupilak are used for shamanic fight, murder and other crimes, but it's hard to control and often come back to kill his creator. "Thecomposition" is a track in collaboration with Mauro Sambo and the video tell about the summoning of the sprit of the tupilak in a modern way.
Mare di Dirac
Daniele Delogu
30- AudeRrose - Mimesis -Two variations of archetypal images-, 2013
DVD PAL 16:9 | 10:42 | from Berlin, Germany.
"You are aware, I suppose, that all mythology and poetry is a narration of events, either past, present, or to come? / Certainly, he replied. / And narration may be either simple narration, or imitation, or a union of the two? / [...] / And this assimilation of himself to another, either by the use of voice or gesture, is the imitation of the person whose character he assumes? / Of course. / Then in this case the narrative of the poet may be said to proceed by way of imitation? / Very true. / Or, if the poet everywhere appears and never conceals himself, then again the imitation is dropped, and his poetry becomes simple narration." Plato, Republic, Book .
web Site
Se realiza una selección de 9 obras del apartado sound-videoArt que junto a otras piezas del resto de las secciones,representarán a ACTIVA en otros eventos internacionales que forman parte como partness y exponsors. Algunas de las obras seleccionadas se integrarán en la colección ARTE ALTER, de carácter patrimonial y cultural sin ánimo de lucro o cualquier otro tipo de especulación comercial. La selección ha sido realizada en primer lugar por los propios participantes y, posteriormente, por un jurado extraordinario que actuará en caso de empate.
A selection of 9 works of sound-videoArt has been made. They will represent ACTIVA, together with the pieces of the others sections, in other international events that take part as partners and sponsors. Some selected works will be integrated into ARTE ALTER, a collection of cultural and patrimonial character with no profit motive in hand or any other kind of commercial speculation. The selection was made first by the contestants themselves and then by a special jury that will act in case of a tie. |
sound-videoArt [ featured Artist ]
- 目秦センチメンタル伝説 Hiroshi Mehata - /能夢 Noum-GuenSen-Hitogenoum, 2014
DVD PAL 16:9 | 04:34 | from Tokyo, Japan.
Word Image ::::: Storage Confusion of light and shadow The waterfall it is inverted I generate the scales in the brain cortex. Moment to change in the morning from the night Identity of the wound of the shadow Stairs in the retina I have a waiting list. It was wrapped in a low-pass filter View of feedback Sound with the lethal The scattered Fragments of light.
animism and Storage structure of the unconscious /
Concept Noum /能夢 is :::: to unite Japanese primitive with Japanese future superfluously by using music and Artwork. / The unconscious world between the extreme of a dream, an actual boundary line that Exist in light and a shadow. Like Noh. / The super-future and the super-past are the same by this concept. The sound and drawing pattern of a tornado noise enter in Most of the work. Storm Sound and Drawing Pattern are Sound and Visual Symbol of Noum. It is to remind the memory wrapped in the abstract scenery of the retina. Simultaneously, then it is for re-building the view. In the Space that is distorted, the new sense is made to appear.
Mehata Sentimental Legend
Hiroshi Mehata
sound-videoPerformance [ live ]
- L:ED collective / Side by side, 2014 | from France.
This is an augmented dancing and audiovisual performance by the L:ED collective dealing with existential doubt, inner universes and the ambiguity of the feelings. Side by side seeks to illustrate the interpenetration between the real and the imaginary by linking a performer and his image through a live recording of the performance projected on the space where the performer evolves.
This is an improvised live performance resulting from the encounter of two duets: Exomène and Dorianne Wotton for the audiovisual aspect and Blandine Laignel and Alexis Ochin for the bodily aspect, digital and physical merging together.
"I got lost in life. I do not know how or why it happened . But one day I woke up and I was there. Nowhere . It seemed unreal. I liked it. I found myself in front of me . "Side by side". Many things, when they are real do not cause any pleasure. However, they succeed in the game of phantasms. Many emotions, even troubling, can be a source of enjoyment. So like children playing, we create an imaginary world that we take seriously. It endows large amounts of affect, although clearly separated from reality. But what is real? What is imagination? What if they found themselves "side by side" ? It's like a dream. We mobilize our intuitive, creative, imaginative and contemplative capacities. It thus makes this dream a paradoxical means of access to an illuminated perceived reality both in its infinite lightness and absolute strangeness. To become "side by side"
Confusion of time, space, colors and identities. Interaction with the self who is none other than me. Or my image. Disembodied. "Side by side"..." In this piece Dorianne makes the video while I make the sound both reacting to each other and to the performers movements..
Dorianne Wotton: Exomène:
exponsors & partners:
2015 September 25 - October 11 > artjaén. Museo de Arte de Jaen. Spain.
director: David Martínez. co-comisario: Mario Gutiérrez Cru.
2015 August 28 - September 19 > XX Certamen Audiovisual de Cabra. Museo Aguilar y Eslava. Cabra, Córdoba. Spain.
2015 From 10 to 13 July. > Nemoartfestival. Festival de Arte Contemporáneo de Priego de Córdoba. Sala de Exposiciones de la Casa Museo 'Niceto Alcalá Zamora'. Priego de Cordoba, Spain.

2015 June 6 > sala LAi, Gijón, Asturias. Spain
2015 April 17 > La Noche Blanca. Factoría Cultural de Avilés, Asturias. Spain