created by jaime Rguez, 2011
El término sound-videoArt pretende dar un nuevo concepto a las obras digitalizadas en las que se combina la creatividad sonora-musical y la imagen en video generando una simbiosis que se muestra como un lienzo audiovisual en movimiento.
The term sound-videoArt pretends to give a new concept to the digitalized works in which sonorous-musical creativity and image in video are combined to generate a symbiosis that is shown as an audiovisual canvas in movement.
01-MoNo (Monica Vlad)- M A I, 2011 - 02’51” > SELECTED 01
from Romania (lives in Italy)
contact > website :
MoNo is Monica Vlad (born in Romania - live in Italy) is performing as a VJ; using strong&original footage she was invited to various events in Romania, Bulgaria, Italy. During her studies at the Art Academy from Carrara (Italy), she started a new project of audio - video performances under the name of MoNo. She approaches very profound and sensible themes as happiness and the altered state of mind of near death experience. The interpretation, the construction and the artistic presentation of the AV performance have the target to allow audiance to experience new feelings, taking them into an audio - video trip. Until now, this project had as a result the participation at events such as Dimanche Rouge (Paris, 2011), AHA: Activism – Hacking – Artivism (AHAcktitude Carrara, 2011), Live Performers Meeting Festival (Roma, 2011)
03-Jared Blüm & Roland Quelven - A Wooden Cigar Box, 2011/12 - 04’00”
from San Franciso, USA & Brittany, France. > SELECTED 02
Audio by Jared Blüm
Video by Roland Quelven
A Wooden Cigar Box ... A dream buried in our collective memory... Cigar Box List from Shockwaves by Kasumi. For more information about Shockwaves...
Jared Blüm, (Blanketship, Vulcanus 68) brings you one of his darkest visions with, Beaks Plinth. Blüm continues his exploration of twisting vinyl to meet his aural demands but brings an unrelenting consistency that is unlike his other projects. Take the spookier elements of both Blanketship and Vulcanus 68 and strip away any light and you have the evocative shadow world of Beaks Plinth!
04-Hior Chronik & Ora Kolmanovsky - Under your sheet, 2010/12 - 03'47"
from Berlin, Germany & Israel > SELECTED 03
A song i wrote for my "evil" twin ... - Experimental video, explores the connection between the movement and the perfection.
Sound composer: Hior Chronik was born in Athens in 1974. His relationship with music started working as a radio producer for Jazzfm in the early 90s’ and as a columnist for various music magazines.
More information:
Videomaker: Ora Kolmanovsky (Israel) Color retouch: Premier-Pro. Final production: After Effects She is a graphic designer specialized on web/digital media, video-art creator, and illustrator I dream and then I try to catch the dreams on paper or into the camera. - website :
05-Hior Chronik - Beautiful people in my heart, 2012 - 02’28”
from Athens, Greece - live in Berlin, Germany
Hior Chronik was born in Athens in 1974. His relationship with music started working as a radio producer for Jazzfm in the early 90s’ and as a columnist for various music magazines. He began creating music about 7 years ago and today his focus is on minimal ambient based mainly on piano, characterized by cinematography, melancholy, scattered notes and long melodies that form expressive engagements. He is also a producer for films & documentaries music scores. His debut album entitled "i'm a tree"" was released from Enregistrements Variables label in 2010. Collaborations constitute his basic core of inspiration and motivation for creating music.
Sound composer & videomaker Hior Chronik & video frames by Elly Nieman.
More information:
06-Sylphides - OVO, 2012 - 04’09”> SELECTED 04
De Ath, Belgium.
Sylphides ( Patrick Masson & Laurence Lemoine) est un projet creatif et musical (music, video, art visual ...). Créé par patrick masson et laurence lemoine, il y a un peu pres un an. Laurence etait avant Sylphides , plutot dans la branche organisation de soiree , live , ou dans l'ecriture aussi .. Nous nous occupons de tout nous meme ; music compositions, textes, photos, videos, et tout ce qui touche de pres ou de loin a Sylphides, mais sommes ouvert a tout horizon creatif
Pat et Lo / Sylphides / Animation & videomaker: Patrick Masson -
Voici aussi le lien Sylphides :
07-Rosendo Javier & César Naves - UAXACLAJUUN UB'AAH K'AWIIL , 2011 - 03’49’’ > SELECTED 05
from Asturias, Spain.
Pieza de sound-videoArt que surge de la colaboración via facebook entre el compositor Rosendo Javier y el videomaker César Naves, trabajando a través de la improvisación y el ensayo del sonido y la imagen, creando una obra de arte híbrida de carácter experimental.
Rosendo J. Rocha:
César Naves:
08-Gianluca Becuzzi & SVART1 - NOTHING IS WHAT IT SEEMS- (II act), 2012 - 08’32’’
from Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy.
Svart1 is Raimondo Gaviano, who works in the fields of Ambient, Dark Ambient, Industrial, live-performance and video. He is a collector of sounds and noises, which are the basis of his music. He generates it from field-recordings, syntheziser, guitar, dulcimer, pc or other interesting stuffs. He currently lives and works in Cagliari, Sardinia. On 2010 is his first professional cd-r with Romanian Valse Sinistre label "Non tutto ciò che tace è morto". The cd-r originally printed in only 100 copies is already in its third reprint, confirming the goodness of his dark debut. In 2011 is his first industrial-noise 60 copies tape release "DER SCHNITTER" for Transilvanian "MASKOFTHESLAVE" records.
Sound composer: Gianluca Becuzzi's mail:
Visuals created & edited by SVART1 is Raimondo Gaviano: -
09-loalue + sanmi (Kyo Yanagi) - tete+rendered , 2011 - 01’28”
from Reggio Emilia, Italy + Kumagaya, 埼玉県, Japan
Kyo Yanagi (Sanmi) is an experimental unit that started in 1998. Sometimes I invite friends to cooperate, but for most time Sanmi is a solo project. I create music with Ableton Live 7 and special MIDI interface since 2008. I will show you epoch making sine wave works. Sine wave is the simplest and most general of digital tones.
Sound composed by LOALUE & Sanmi - Experimental / Electrónica / Música concreta / Dub >
Kyo Yanagi is the videomaker & experimental music composer in this work:
from Portland, USA
Second track taken from the new album I N S O M N F U C T + E X P E R I M E N T by abstract noise artist D I G I T A L L T F U C T which is inspired by the experiences of sleep deprivation...
All work by Digtally Fuct Cover Concept by Zyklon
Released on Torn Flesh Records
11-Magdalena Solis - Spirit of a Hungry Beast, 2012 - 03’37” > SELECTED 07
from Brussels, Belgium.
“Spirit of a Hungry Beast" is a first track for Magdalena Solis' third album. Filmed and edited by Magdalena Solis. Shot on location on Col d'Izoard - Casse Déserte, France. Music by Magdalena Solis. Magdalena Solis are a two-piece outfit providing hallucinatory transcendental stuff in the vein of the Kosmische Musik. It all started as a movie project. Sounds created for their visuals quickly caught the attention of a few underground labels and Reverb Worship immediately offered to do a mini album. Lady of the Wild Things was released in 2010, followed by a first full length Hesperia in 2011. The band has also created several videos and play live with projections of their visual work.
Booking and press contact: -
12-Tania Giannouli & Isabel Pérez del Pulgar - Ensoñación, 2012 - 02’48”> SELECTED 08
from Athens, Greece & Granada, Spain.
This video is an epilogue to the series "brides" and point of departure for the series "Phantasmagoria". Space between dreams and reality is a boundary line, made with the threads of desire ...
(Tania Giannouli) Τάνια Γιαννούλη Studied piano, Harmony, Counterpoint, Fugue, Composition at Athenaeum Conservatory. She also studied Agriculture-Food Technology at Agricultural University of Athens. She performs in piano recitals with a theatrical touch, composes music for short film, theatre, concert and is a member of improvisation bands 4+1 and Schema Ensemble. In July 2010 she co-founded Emotone with Tomas Weiss.
Review from Billy Bunker here: -
Isabel Pérez del Pulgar (Artista multidisciplinar)
13-Pleq & Ad Nojse - First to Fall, 2011 - 05’33” > SELECTED 09
from Warsaw & Opole, Poland.
Pleq are Bartosz Dziadosz Paulina Dzwigala / Nika Warszawska
Pleq is the solo project of Bartosz Dziadosz, an experimental musician who combines elements of drone, down tempo, glitch and modern classical. He creates his work by fusing together independently synthesized sounds, often incorporates violin, the unexpectedly melancholic sound of a piano, sometimes female vocals. Somewhere, something falls, something enters, rings … there’s a hissing and pop, like a short circuit on high voltage lines.
AD NOJSE - Michał Misiura ur. 11.11.1987r. Obecnie student drugiego roku studiów magisterskich w Instytucie Sztuki w Opolu. Jego działania mają często charakter eksperymentalny, oscylują na pograniczu sztuki multimedialnej, video i efektów specjalnych; zajmuje się także projektowaniem graficznym. Jest autorem instalacji audiowizualnych oraz mappingowych. Od 2009 roku współpracuje jako Vj z grupami: Propaganda Soundsystem, Stereometria oraz z artystami takimi jak: Pleq, Email>
Pleq webSite:
14-Mind Revolution - Into de Trees, 2011 - 05’46” > SELECTED 10
from Oviedo, Spain.
Mind Revolution es un proyecto formado en 2010 por Ángel González y Eugenia Tejón con el objetivo de buscar nuevas formas de expresión a partir de la relación entre la música y las demás artes.
El video presentado para este evento pertenece al cd single, Editado Por mdrecords Ref.: mdrecords07 Música para la videoinstalación de Mind Revolution en "Encuentros en la figal 1". Incluye las canciones: 1. Into the Trees Mind Revolution
15-Rafael González & César Naves - zona de entrenamiento onírico, 2012 - 12’51”
from Canarias & Asturias, Spain.
sound by Rafael González part 01 & 02. Mi biografía es muy corta (proyectos sonoros y visuales, especialmente Mail Art, con Ética Makinal, Brigada Nadie, I.Q.C.M. e iqcm). No tengo web ni blog, pero estoy muy relacionado con
edited by césar naves ©2012 Technical Editing & Digital Photography. “Adolfo Posada” institute, Oviedo (2008) + Audiovisual Specialist and Digital Art, MIDE (International Electrography Museum), Cuenca, Spain (2004) + Founding member of AXIAL, art group (2010) Currently teaches lessons of photography and digital art in the MARBAS Cultural Arts Association, pedagogically coordinated by Jaime Rguez.
16-SCHULTZ - BLACK SUNDAY, 2012 - 02’33”
from Nice, France.
CHULTZ is at the beginning a musical project created in France in 2002. This project really took-off when he joined VDREY a talented painter and on-stage performer, who was herself looking for a musician to perform with. As musician he have released several albums and performed with VDREY in several countries like Swiss, Uk, France, Holland, Austria, Poland, Latvia and many more. In 2011 they make a break and return in 2012 with a new project more focused on art. Mix of video, live industrial music, performance, dance and more. They have present this year this new performance called « White Blood Cells » in Paris at IRL event, will present it in several place in France soon and have been selected for LPM 2012 in Roma. SCHULTZ decide to continue music and performance but have decide to work a new material for him, the video.
This project really took-off when he joined VDREY
Video and music by SCHULTZ
17-Micah Torrance - The Joep Pieter Can-Dada inreal, 2011- 09’57”
from West Bay, Cayman Islands.
I'm working at this project since 1968, began with sound recording in the mid-seventies and with video art at the beginning 21th century, but made my Dada public just a bit more than over one year ago, when I stopped my professional other project "landscape design and gardeneering".
A MARABUcaribe project by Micah Torrance – This is one invitation to an inner journey by cosmic visual-music. MARABUcaribe abducts us into an imaginary parallel universe. It don't open us no exorbitant scenarios of fantastic, unexplored galaxies, but gives us a gap-wide access to a world that is just like ours, only different. Before us is evident a "gesamtkunstwerk", a work of cumulative art crafted in over 40 years, consisting of collages, paintings, drawings, plastic arts, photography, music, video and inventing stories as it couldn't be more insufficient. This is not about "Dadaism' or "Neodadaism". It is just Dada.
It's all made by me and part of my art project MARABUcaribe:
All my videos published until today are public at:
Micah Torrance contact >
18-Angelo Secondini - Aurall 55, 2012 - 08’01”
from Ostra, Italy.
Aurall 55 fom Part II of Aural: an inner deep abstract ambient – music & video project by cometa (Angelo Seconndini) Enough / At the end will just love / love yourself / love for him / for her / for art that attempt to justify our existence / a useless little love / a little thing leaning in a corner / enough . / ... and an aura like a shadow in a vacuum... before... and after...
Cometa is a truly captivating artist of some considerable merit. Being able to create wonderful music and sound constructions in a very accomplished manner. He is able to capture many essences and feelings, in an emotive and touching way, being able to cope with the expression of moods and sensations over many genres, with an amazing ability to fuse everything from classical to electronic minimalism. As an artist, he is a very idealistic and philosophic human being, with a heart of gold. The latter being the best fusion that his musical expression can and does convey.
Sito web:
19-Dom Mino' - paper boats, 2010 - 03’25”
from Tokyo, Japan.
music : Dom Mino'
images : Shin Kikuchi
アルバムのエンディングを飾るタイトル曲 UnknownCoordinatesでは、小瀬村の ピアノにドミノ特有のエレクトロビートが合わさり、そこにコントラバスが折 り重なることで、未だ見果てぬ先を思わせるような高揚感を盛り立てた、まさ にアルバムの終幕を飾るにふさわしい傑作に仕上がっている。 多国籍なゲストアーティストを迎え入れることで生み出された今作、それは音 楽を以てのみ伝えることのできる新たな座標を記した架空の旅への誘い
from schole records
Dom Mino'
Shin Kikuchi
20-Farang - kaarta, 2012 - 05’47”
from Baden-Baden, Germany
processed classical guitar & video post production: stefan schmidt
// images & editing: masch // 2012 // music for overexposed celluloid
farang is: stefan schmidt (*1974), graduated teacher for classical guitar Studied at the hfm trossingen and the conservatorio j.j.castro buenos aires farang
music for overexposed celluloid
21-Akira Kosemura & Yuma Saito - fleur, 2011 - 03’16” > SELECTED 11
from Tokyo, Japan.
music : 小瀬村 晶 / AKIRA KOSEMURA
images : 齋藤 雄磨 / YUMA SAITO
fleur from how my heart sings
今作「how my heart sings」は、彼が最も愛する楽器である「ピアノ」 と向き合い、昨年の春から秋に掛けて、
歌うようにして紡いできた音楽の記録である。SCH – 018 この作品はなによりも、小瀬村晶という一人の人間が、 自身の心に映っては消えていく旋律をピアノという楽器を 用いて歌うようにして紡いできた、とてもプライベートな音楽である。 そして時折、心を寄り添うようにして演奏される二人の音楽家によるハ ーモニー。
from schole records :
sound-videoArt > SELECTED
Se realiza una selección de 11 obras que junto a laa piezas de la sección: videoperformance y otras formas de expresión representarán a ACTIVA en otros eventos internacionales que forman parte como partness y exponsors. Las obras seleccionadas se integrarán en la colección ARTE ALTER, de carácter patrimonial y cultural sin ánimo de lucro o cualquier otro tipo de especulación comercial. La selección ha sido realizada en primer lugar por los propios participantes y, posteriormente, por un jurado extraordinario que actúa en caso de que el listado no quedase totalmente definido.
A selection of 11 works has been made. They will represent ACTIVA, together with the pieces of the videoperformance and other ways of expression section, in other international events that take part as partners and sponsors. The selected works will be integrated into ARTE ALTER, a collection of cultural and patrimonial character with no profit motive in hand or any other kind of commercial speculation. The selection was made first by the contestants themselves and then by a special jury that should act in case the list was not completely defined. |
Tamara Norniella - flayed identity II, 2013 - 03':42"
from Oviedo (Asturias), Spain.
Hoy, este cuerpo ya no recuerda aquellas caricias que nunca sintió. Cada centímetro de nuestra piel sigue siendo hoy, otra vez, virgen ansiosa a la espera de esa caricia que le haga tremolar. Sentimientos que también se borrarán de su piel (...). La memoria no tiene cuerpo. Habla, cuerpo, cuenta tu gran historia de pasión y de cansancio, porque tu historia será necesariamente breve.
[ Rosa Olivares, 2011].
Tamara is an artist & videoperformer what works in this piece with her body and her voice ensembled. tamara norniella website
Videoperformance y Otras formas de expresión
Videoperformance & Others expresions forms |
«special sound-videoArt (artista invitado).»
Shaun Robert - (Mutant Beatniks) "woven, 2011 - 09’49”
from Bath (England), U.K.
MUTANT BEATNIKS (United Kingdom) Started in 1986 by Shaun Robert, as one of the many projects he was undertaking at the time, with the idea to produce short form pieces of Music Concrete, Noise Music with an edge towards outsider pop and breakbeat. The name is derived from the idea of future music, Mutant as in transfigured and morphing developed distance sounds; Music. And the kind of music crazy modern beatniks will listen to.
So Mutant Beatniks describes the music as wellas the target audience.orthcoming release 2011 album abstract.
Andrés Cuartas - Against, 2012 - 01’34”
from Pereira, Colombia
Against (infor.) single channel video, Color-b/w, loop Director: Andres Cuartas Producers & Performers: Valentina Trujillo and Andres Cuartas. Andrés Cuartas is a Visual artist, born in Bogotá city, Resident in Pereira city, Colombia, now at days he works in the fields of videoart, sound art, and experimental photography, mainly his work in arts explores and investigates about the sound dissonances like starting point for the elaboration of his audiovisual products, which the artist show in video installations, soundscapes, videoart, and experimental drawings. He has participated in national and international video festivals and experimental film exhibitions , including: Ascona Film and video art Festival in Switzerland, Global Display in the CCCB, Barcelona Spain, 18th latin american festival of video and audiovisual arts, Rosario Argentina, XI International film and video festival in Santafé de Antioquia, 4th Cinetoro International and experimental film festival, invited in the charge of curator in the especial exhibition with his project The Toaster [Videoart- experimental] in the international Video Arthouse Madrid, will be celebrate in 2012 in Madrid Spain .
Lan Trendeaire - papel, 2013 - duración variable
from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Si me expongo a encontrar gente afín, tendré que soportar (o saber eludir) a la gente que me prefiere calladito.Sí, sí, admito que a veces puedo sonar exagerado. Sobre todo a gente que a veces puede resultarme exagerada.
Maximizar el disfrute, minimizar el daño. / Sin manipulaciones. / Realidad, divino tesoro.
Director de la compañía de teatro Vello Público.
«Pinturas en movimiento generadas mediante señal electrónica analógica.»
Carlos T. Mori - Thanks Burroughs, 2011 - 03’06”
from Valladolid, Spain
Homenaje al novelista, ensayista y crítico social William S. Burroughs a través de psicofonías. Found footage: William S. Burroughs en "Thanksgiving" (Gus Van Sant, 1995) | Sonidos: “El misterio del Palacio de Linares” (Germán Argumosa, 1982); “Psicofonías” (Más Allá, 1988).
Carlos TMori (Valladolid, 1970) comienza a trabajar en vídeo en 1987. Licenciado en Bellas Artes y en Comunicación Audiovisual, se traslada a Kassel, Alemania, donde participa en 1992 en el proyecto colectivo “Let there be tv” dentro de la IX Documenta. Recibe el 2º premio en el Festival de Vídeo de Navarra en 1998, es seleccionado en el Certamen Nacional de Fotografía Injuve en 1999, en 2002 presenta en la Casa de América en Madrid una retrospectiva de su trabajo en vídeo y en 2009 es seleccionado en el festival Raya y Punto. Dentro de su producción audiovisual, se incluyen obras como Castilla Penitente de 1991, Koji de 1998, Inestabilidad & Metamorfosis de 2005, Learning about cells de 1987-2007 o Nieve Alienada en 2009.
TMori > -
Videoinstalación / Videoinstallation
Videoesculturas / Videosculpture |
01-Andreas C. Andreou - Reminiscence, 2012
Reminiscence is a video transmission of memories which comes from innocence and a child's little plastic toy...the burn is time and the flame the reminiscence. The work is inspired from my father who fought in the Cyprus war against the Turkish invasion in 1974. Now a 68 year old man playing with his grandchildren reminiscencing the past through a soldier plastic toy.
Mini dv transferred to DVD, 9:01, color, silent > monitor monocanal and soldiers plastic toy
Short biography: 2006: Video Art and new media art seminar- Pocket Theater History of video and modern art of the 20th century Adobe premier (video editing) Scriptwriting and directing a short length film Final group exhibition @ Fournos (Center of digital Culture) START 06 I’m an oenologist and beverage technologist but I also do paintings and video art/ installations in my free time. New reediting for Activa 2013. Second Edition. Contact >
exponsors & partners:
from 22 February to 02 March - Galería TEXU, Oviedo (Spain)
| coordination: jaime Rguez / kaosArt
from 30 Mai to 15 June - Museo Barjola, Gijón (Spain)
| coordination: jaime Rguez / kaosArt
El Museo Barjola acoge «Activa 2013» / Pablo TUÑÓN - La Nueva España 30-05-2013, pág. 20 y 22
“Digital sobre lienzo”. Activa, en el Museo Juan Barjola. / El Cuaderno 46 | Junio 2013 - ISBN 2255-5730 J.C. GEA, pág. 26
from 20 to 23 June -2013 - #kedarte2013 - Fuentelfresno, Soria – Spain
| coordination: La lata muda
