Gavin Owens

“My Hailstorm” is his more personal and autobiographic piece during a moment of transition in his career in Belfast. From the calm to the storm and from this to the tides as a symbol of change of the current situation and its temporality. It never rains and doesn’t stop, everything flows, everything eventually passes and a new cycle starts removing the rest of the storm.
Gavin Owens (Dublin 1972) started its professional career in Ireland as a television camera man more than 18 years ago. Most of his intense professional life has been in news and documentaries in Ireland, England, Brussels, Spain, Turkey or Africa, covering events of world importance for some of the most international prestigious tv channels such as Sky news or BBC He has been specially recognized for his coverage of the Northern Irish conflict when he was awarded the “IRB BT Camera of the Year Award” by the Independent British Radiodifusion and British Telecom. Since the very beginning of his career, Gavin has been experimenting with music and images in different artistic pieces for his personal archive or for collaborations with other professionals, musicians and artists.
[Gavin Owens]

“My Hailstorm”

videoArt / videoperformance
(Shot on Sony DVCAM at 25FPS, DVD, 8'15'')
proyección audiovisual - Ed. no venal / H.C.
2000 [2012]