loose ends 06 2017, assemblage of postcard and embroidery, 18'78x17,93cm [23x23cm.]
La creatividad hace aparecer un nuevo espacio de realidad, se forma en lo aún no visto en oposición al cansino déjà vu
| Creativity makes a new space of reality appear, is formed in what has not yet been seen in opposition to the tiring déjà vu.
loose ends 08 2017, | assemblage of postcard and embroiderywith sewing thread, 19'64x17cm [23x23cm.]
No compares tu interior con el exterior de otros, porque no podemos saber por lo que están pasando los demás.
| Don't compare your insides to others outsides, because we can't know what the others are going through..
loose ends 01 2017, assemblage of postcard and embroidery, 17x16'5cm [23x23cm.]
Antes creía que éste era el comienzo de tu historia: Me recuerdo en medio de algunos momentos.
| I used to think that this was the beginning of your story: I remember myself in the middle of a few moments..
loose ends 02 2017, | assemblage of postcard and embroidery, 19x17cm [23x23cm.]
La memoria es una cosa rara, no funciona como yo creía. Estamos ligados por el tiempo, por su orden, y éste fue el final.
| Memory is a strange thing, isn't working as I thought. We are bound by time, by its order, and this was the end.
loose ends 03 2017, | assemblage of postcard and embroidery, 19,13x18,29cm [23x23cm.]
Ahora no estoy seguro si creo en principios y finales. | Now I'm not sure if I believe in beginnings and endings.
loose ends 04 2017, | assemblage of postcard and embroidery, 17x25 cm [21x30cm]
El "estado de bienestar" es un mecanismo de control disciplinario impidiendo toda resistencia contra el poder.
| The "welfare state" is a mechanism of disciplinary control preventing any resistance against power.
loose ends 05 2017, | assemblage of postcard and embroidery, 19,4x17,35cm [23x23cm.]
Rompiendo el escaparate de la modernidad. | Breaking the showcase of modernity.
loose ends 07 2017, | assemblage of postcard and embroiderywith sewing thread, 19x18,6cm [23x23cm.]
La Historia es una realidad pre objetivada. | History is a pre-objectified reality.
stand de la galería Octogono